The Edutainer!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

(MSNBC story)
Don't Play Me for a Fool.

Another potential lawsuit in Hollywood. The series "Heroes" made its debut under fire from the literary world. Uncanny similarities to comic book icons the "X-Men" are not the only finger pointing articles of the show. The shows creater is under fire for "commendering" the idea from a novel written by the same author as "The Satanic Versus." Salman Rashdie's "Midnight's Children" tells the story of children born with spacial human powers, for example, time travel, and flight. The children are delivered at the stroke of midnight by a Dr. Suresh. Now if you saw "Heros" on NBC this week, you were introduced to both a group of extraordinary teens, one with the ability to skew time, another a flyer, and a Dr. Mohinder Suresh. Tim Kring, the creator of "Heros" stands by his never reading the book, or even being aware of the storyline. Granted superhero stories are plentiful but, Dr. Suresh? C'mon! I will probably enjoy "DVRing" the show, based on its concept, but give credit where credit is due. ( I feel like a parent here.) Did he think we wouldn't find out? What could hurt the show more than if the writting went subpar is, lieing to the public's face. I believe in integrity of character more than those of the show, and would not feel bad if this news snowballed to haunt Mr. Kring.


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