The Edutainer!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Before I get started, let me first label myself. In the fewest words, I am an "alert, consumer target." I feel the bull's-eye, I'm aware of the media engulfment we call society. My education has broadened my range of awareness, but I'm learning that the game is ever changing, and the bombardment never ends. One must not only live in a cave to escape the reaches of media, one must never venture from its solitude. My point is that we are, without decision, surrounded by numerous offerings of media. Televisions are everywhere; newspapers are plentiful, free magazines and the constant hum of radios surrounding our daily life travels. There is no restriction to the attaining media, in fact you must protect yourself from the possibility of overexposure. Visual communication alone is the wallpaper of our world. We are all consumers, without the choice of being one or not. Information is encoded everywhere, and decoded constantly. To each our own in the media signals personal deconstruction, but first, or secondhand, the messages are being delivered to all of us. Innumerable subcultures equal innumerable demographics, which equal the innumerable products being advertised. There is a market for every budget, and preference. Loosely stated, there are crosshairs, enough for us all. Did I scare you? Sorry 'bout that. Where are you going tomorrow?


  • I couldn't agree more. I can't escape the media if I tried, that's why I'm sitting here online instead of doing my homework. lol

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/11/2006 3:16 PM  

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