The Edutainer!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog. My name is Jeff Macias. As of now, I am starting my second year at San Jose State as a transfer student from De Anza College in Cupertino, CA. I am a Radio, Television, Film, and Theatre Major, with my focus on both radio and television. My minor is entitled "Communications of the Age." Prior to being a fulltime student, I was, and currently am, upon semester breaks, a San Jose union carpenter (San Jose Carpenter of the Year 2002, if I may brag a little.) So, after eight years in the trade, concurrent with many night school courses, and a leap of faith, here I am, eight months from graduation.
As a student of media, I have looked at my own habits of media consumption. In past semesters projects and papers have lead me to see where it is that I attain my global information. I admittedly am a television watcher, evidently, on an average scale, but an above the norm talk radio subscriber. I may listen to less than five different stations on a given week, but log many hours per. I have learned, non-intentionally, to love talk radio, be it news, sports or general conversation, only during my construction career. I do enjoy musical radio airplay, but the majority of my tuning in is to enjoy "Talk radio," (it still sounds weird to say out loud. "Me? Talk radio?")
I am also in tune with the pop culture, and current on goings by way of television, and the minimal use of magazines, newspapers, and websites. So, to answer the question, "What kind of media consumer am I?" I guess the advertisers must really like my daily habits. I am conscious of the advertising barrage every waking moment, and do my best to stay alert upon spending my hard "saved student dollars." It is said that it is impossible to fight the science, and psychology, of the advertisers. I beg to differ.


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